Posts tagged Ohio's Jeff Bezos can save America's largest source of clean power. Here's how.

Amazon's commitment to renewables is at risk of becoming more than mere greenwashing: it could kill 90 percent of Ohio's clean power, destroy 1,400 high-paying jobs, and make the state the most-polluted in the nation.

Now, Ohio community leaders, climate scientists including James Hansen, environmentalists including Whole Earth Catalog Stewart Brand, and prominent high-tech leaders are urging Amazon's CEO, Jeff Bezos, to change Amazon's definition of renewables to include nuclear, and save Ohio's nuclear plants.

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Big Oil is trying to kill clean energy in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Here's who will pay the price.

Environmental Progress has discovered that American Petroleum Institute — Big Oil — is spending millions to kill clean energy in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

We gave the information to the Wall Street Journal, which published our exposé today.

If the fossil energy lobby wins, the most vulnerable people — children, the elderly, and the ill — will pay the heaviest price.

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Why the War on Nuclear Threatens Us All

In the early 1970s, Ohio started building nuclear plants to reduce air pollution from coal. But anti-nuclear activists including the Sierra Club and Ralph Nader decided they knew what was best for the people of Ohio, and blocked their construction. The result? The building of yet more coal plants, and thousands of premature deaths.

Now, 40 years later, anti-nuclear groups are trying to finish what they started.

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