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Saving Endangered Wildlife
EP is proud to support the Wildlife Energy & Conservation Coalition and others defending wildlife and communities around the world.
There were only 22 observed right whale births over last four calving seasons, which was less than one-third the previous average.
Scientists spotted 57 right whales in and around wind energy areas that have been leased to industrial wind developers. Image courtesy of NOAA.
North Atlantic right whale threatened by industrial wind energy
“During the 2021 North Atlantic right whale calving season, researchers identified 19 live calves. Only 22 births were observed during the previous four calving seasons combined, which is less than one-third the previous average annual birth rate for right whales.” — NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, July 2021
“The whales belong to all of us and with fewer than 400, of which there are fewer than 100 breeding females left, each one is worth protecting. The people of Nantucket have a long history with these whales and we have done so much recently to protect this species. It would be a tragedy to see all of them lost in order to build an industrial offshore development.” — Whale conservationist Mary Chalke, “Nantucket Group Sues,” Associated Press, August 24, 2021
Illustration credit: E. Paul Oberlander, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Graphics; Data from North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium.
“The construction of dozens of wind turbines off the coast of Nantucket threatens the survival of a dwindling number of endangered Northern Atlantic right whales that inhabit the waters, a group of residents on the affluent resort island in Massachusetts argue in a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday.” Read more —>
Wind industry proposes to build turbines in the shallows of East Coast, right where Right Whale feeds.
Whooping crane threatened by Nebraska transmission line and wind energy
Study: “Collision with power lines is the greatest source of mortality for fledged whooping cranes (Grus americana) in the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population (AWBP) that migrate between the Northwest Territories, Canada to the Texas coast.” Read more.
A new, 2021 study finds that, “Siting wind infrastructure outside of whooping cranes' migration corridor would reduce the risk of further habitat loss not only for whooping cranes, but also for millions of other birds that use the same land for breeding, migration, and wintering habitat.”
A Native American Nebraska legislator is fighting to save whooping cranes from industrial wind energy
At least 30 threatened and protected desert tortoises killed by solar energy relocation
“It’s that, the whole desert — now the way we’ve set it up with our towns across the desert — we’ve set it up so there are patches where it’s a higher risk to be a tortoise when you’re near a town. And that’s the bad news. For tortoises, it was much bigger [risk] than just an incident of moving the tortoises in one time.”
Read more at the Las Vegas Review Journal
Watch, Michael Shellenberger’s TEDx “Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet”
Learn more about solar’s impact on the desert tortoise at “Why Renewables Can’t Save the Planet” at Quillette

California Peace Coalition
Environmental Progress is a proud founding member of the California Peace Coalition of parents of children killed by or addicted to fentanyl and other deadly drugs, recovering addicts, and neighborhood associations.