

Page 24: “Progressives level the same charges at people thirty years later.” Should read “…twenty years later.”

Page 85: “Governor Reagan in 1972 signed the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act” should be “…in 1967 signed…”

Page 91: “Eighty-nine percent of the remaining 12,000 patients in California’s state mental hospitals in 2018 were there for criminal cases.” Should read: “Ninety-one percent of the remaining 12,000 patients served by California’s state mental hospitals in 2017-2018 were there for criminal cases.”

Page 97: “It was more valuable to sell the homes than to be reimbursed by Medi-Cal and Medicare, which was only $1,058 per person per month.” Should be “It was more valuable to sell the homes than to be reimbursed by residents through their Supplemental Security Income checks, which was only $1,058 per person per month.”

Page 111: “The legislation would have changed the law to include people who use drugs or have been 5150’d…” Should be “The legislation would have changed the law to include people who use drugs and have been 5150’d…” and the quote belongs to Supervisor Shamann Walton not Matt Haney, who supported the legislation.

Page 198: The sentences starting with “Since 2008…” and ending with “…thousands of lives every year.” should be rewritten as such, quotations marks included: “Since 2008, the number of cops per capita has retreated from the post-crime-wave peak, thanks both to state and local austerity and to growing agitation against policing,” argued one expert. The declining police presence caused or contributed to the “plateauing” of the crime decline, and “costs millions of dollars and thousands of lives every year.”

Pg 361, citation 50 should be: Charles Fain Lehman, “Police Departments on the Brink,” City Journal, November 11, 2020,