The climate scientist James Hansen calls Food & Water Watch the "most anti-environmental of all the anti-nuclear groups in New York"
Wenonah Hauter, Executive Director, Food and Water Watch
Food and Water Watch's anti-nuclear billboard in Albany
“It’s sad to see the effort by Food and Water Watch to close New York’s largest source of clean power, nuclear energy," said climate scientist James Hansen in a statement today. "If their efforts succeed, they will increase fossil fuel burning, pollution, asthma, and premature deaths. With its campaign, Food and Water Watch has established itself as the most anti-environmental of all of the anti-nuclear groups operating in New York state. Thank goodness Governor Cuomo is exhibiting good common sense on this matter.”
Added Michael Shellenberger, President of Environmental Progress: "The hypocrisy of Food and Water Watch is breathtaking. They claim to care about the environment but they are advocating greater fossil fuel use which will result in more pollution, asthma and premature death. They lobby for renewables subsidies that are twice as high as the nuclear subsidies and then claim to be against subsidies. The loss of the New York nuclear plants at risk of closure would create five times more emissions than the state must reduce to comply with the EPA Clean Power Plan.
"The real problem isn't the existence of tin foil hat anti-nuclear groups but that the media refer to them as "environmentalists." Journalists don't cal anti-vaxxer groups public health groups — why do they call Food and Water Watch an "environmental group"? I am confident the people of New York will see through Food and Water Watch's anti-vaxxer style fear-mongering."